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bowls of herbs used to make a cramp ease tincture


virtual/in-person consults about pregnancy, birth plans, proof of pregnancy, & more



Do you have questions you would like a midwife to answer? Do you want a second (or third) opinion? Are you in need of a sounding board? Are you a newer birthworker and seeking a mentor? Do you require help writing a birth plan? Applying for social services and require a proof of pregnancy letter?


Health & Reproductive Coaching
Information and education regarding holistic health, perinatal care options, mindfulness, stress reduction, herbalism, and self-managed healthcare options.

Frame of Reference: Michele ("Misha") has been providing midwifery & well-person care since 1998, community & folk herbalism since 2003, inclusive sex & sexuality education since 2015, and peer counselling since 2000. Their care is evidence & trauma-informed and rooted in bodily & cognitive autonomy, nonviolent communication, and somatic processing.


Birthworker Mentoring​

Together we can explore your pathway options to becoming a birthworker, engage in peer review & chart review, discuss how to establish partnerships with other birthworkers, inclusive practices, mediation with clients, conflict resolution, and restorative justice. 


Misha is a traditional community midwife of over two decades, community & folk herbalist, inclusive sex & sexuality education teacher, Jewish & Humanist/secular chaplain, former substance use & victim survivor peer-counsellor, social worker, perinatal case manager, social & health advocate, and radical unschooling parent of two ('03 & '16). They identify as queer, transgender nonbinary/genderqueer, fat, disabled, autistic, Romani, & Mizrahi. More about Misha here.


You are here because you want to talk about what is on your mind. Let us schedule time together to address your needs.


We can meet virtually or in-person, depending on the nature of our meeting.


Virtual meetings are typically done via Google Meet.


In-person consultations are reserved for proof of pregnancy letters ONLY, since this can only be done in-person. These meetings are usually done at the client’s home. Meeting at an alternative location, like a friend’s home, can also be arranged.


COVID-19 POLICY: Masks REQUIRED for anyone present aged 5 years old and up, regardless of vaccination status. The appointment MUST BE rescheduled if the client or Misha has any symptoms, or if anyone in the client's or Misha's home or direct-care & contact has symptoms.


Before each visit (if applicable), you will answer some questions regarding your general health, about specific concerns/complaints you have, or about what is keeping you up at night. When applicable, visits are followed up by an email (within 48 hours of the end of the visit) with notes taken during the visit, links to additional information/resources as available, and any care plans/suggestions explained, if necessary. Most of our time together allows me to gather information to then make the best recommendations possible based on that information.

  • fertility

  • menstrual cycles

  • hormone regulation

  • herbalism

  • herbal remedies


  • family planning

  • abortion

  • pregnancy

  • creating a birth plan

  • postpartum recovery

  • second opinion

  • getting involved in birthwork/reproductive health

  • birthworker mentoring



Cash App, Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, & Square Invoice (with Afterpay) for Credit/Debit.


Receipts will be issued via text and/or email.

IN-PERSON: $115/$85/$65/hr sliding scale*
VIRTUALLY: $95/$65/$45/hr sliding scale*

OR PRE-PAY $360/$240/$160 for 4 virtual hours.

*the middle fee represents the actual cost of this service. The upper fee allows those with more means to help subsidise those who cannot afford to pay the actual cost. The lower fee is for those who genuinely cannot afford the actual cost. No income verification is required, but you are asked to be honest about what you can afford.

Misha is not a licensed physician, nurse, therapist, or professional counsellor. They do not carry professional liability or malpratice insurance.

Coaching services are not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure, physical or mental health concerns or replace care from a licensed physician, nurse, therapist, or counsellor.
  • Patreon
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • CashApp
  • Venmo
  • Paypal

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